Edit: we are very pleased to have been awarded the 1st place Wolfgang Straßer Best Paper Award after having presented our real time glint rendering work at HPG 2023. You can find a recording of the presentation here:
[HPG23] Real-Time Rendering of Glinty Appearance with Distributed Binomial Laws on Anisotropic Grids
In this work, we render in real-time glittery materials caused by discrete flakes on the surface. To achieve this, one has to count the number of flakes reflecting the light towards the camera within every texel covered by a given pixel footprint. To do so, we derive a counting method for arbitrary footprints that, unlike previous work, outputs the correct statistics. We combine this counting method with an anisotropic parameterization of the texture space that reduces the number of texels falling under a pixel footprint. This allows our method to run with both stable performance and 1.5× to 5× faster than the state-of-the-art.
Supplemental Material